掉進異次元2D CAFE
Falling into Another Dimension: 2D cafe
After a long search, I finally found the entrance: a drink vending machine. When I passed through the entrance, I felt like falling into a space from another dimension resembling worlds in comic books. Since everything here was nothing but line drawing, I couldn’t recognize the difference between the tables and walls.

For a second the difference between the tables and walls were hard to tell.
高中時一個半玩笑話的約定,讓4位年僅20多歲的創辦人們畫起了夢想的草圖,因緣際會下認識了「2D cafe」的馬來西亞創辦人,以日本文化為主題,從紙稿、鉛筆草圖到手工繪製,耗時3個月打造了全台第一間以2D為概念的咖啡廳。結合台灣在地食材與不時在角落裡找到的台灣小元素,宛如一座行動美術館,有點眼花卻更有種奇幻的美感。
A vow that had taken half-jokingly during their senior high school years made the four founders, who were just in their twenties then, begin to pursue their dream. Later, they acquainted with the Malaysian founder of 2D Café by chance. Deciding on the theme of Japanese culture, they designed the café with drafts and hand drawing. After three months of construction, they successfully founded the first café under the concept of two-dimensional illustration in Taiwan. Combining local ingredients with elements of Taiwanese culture found from details, the café resembles a portable art museum, dazzling and fantastically aesthetic.

The drink and dessert fit perfectly to the background.

The laundry machine is an access to another world.
2D cafe
2D Café
Address: No. 10, Ln. 59, Shida Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City
Tel: +886 223-660-250
Open Hours: 10:30~21:30
Link: www.facebook.com/2d.cafetw